Thursday 12 November 2009

Target Audience

Demographic Profile

1) Age: 16-21 – during secondary school, or just leaving and going to uni.
2) Gender: Males and Females
3) Educational Background: Different ranges of education - mostly at secondary school, sixth form or starting university
4) Social Background: various different social classes
5) Economic Status: Various different Economic Status' depending on the parents

In terms of demographics our audience covers a broad range of people. as it does not fit exactly into specific category. The one thing our audience do have in common is their age group, as this is the age where most people experiment or face temptations of smoking, drugs and alcohol. This is also the time when most people are most vulnerable as they are faced with the aspect of peer pressure.
I can't define a specific category that parents would put into because it all depends on their age, economic status etc, which differs within certain families.

VALS – Values, Attitudes, Lifestyles

Young, impulsive and rebellious - these people act in the moment making them easily susceptible to peer pressure and taking drugs etc to look good with their friends, they want to rebel and stand out.
They like new products and styles but soon tire of them and search for novelty – this could mean they get bored easily so would result to drugs and also once they’ve tried one they are more likely to try more and more dangerous ones
They spend as much as they can afford on clothing, fast food, music and films – they don’t think too carefully about where they spend their money so if it goes on alcohol, smoking and drugs it would not matter.

Tend to be unsure of themselves and have a low income. They are striving for approval from others, which they feel they could gain by ownership of possessions, most of which they cannot afford. – these people are most easily influenced by others and have a weakness for peer pressure. They mostly get pressured into drugs for approval but don’t have the money to keep a drug addiction up so would be most likely to end up homeless because of it and ruining their lives. These are the people who need the most serious help from our website.

Young Psychographics

These cover a whole range people, and i like to think we have taken all into consideration;

those who crave the admiration of their peers – give in to peer pressure
people who seek pleasure – enjoy the feeling of drugs and don’t think about the consequences
wish to remake the world in their image – take drugs to stand out and be different by breaking the rules
just want to be accepted – (opposite to REBELS and similar to TRENDIES) take drugs because their friends are
shun commitments of any kind – given up on school etc so find alternative ways to occupy their time and hang around with the wrong crowds
want the world to be a better place – people who visit the site to get advice and help out their friends or family who are addicted

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